Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Established in 1982"

Proverbs 24:3a "Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established"

The word wisdom has been defined and describe in many different ways...but the meaning in the Old and New Testaments is having "skill in living", following God's design and avoiding the pitfalls of sin". Add star es·tab·lished means to Set up on a firm or permanent basis.

I was born in 1956 but it wasn't until December 1982 that my house was established. This is the year I was born again...when I repented and gave my life to Jesus. Christ was laid firmly and permanently in my life and the work He began, He has promised to complete. (Phil 1:6)

Though my home started to be built almost 30 years ago, it's still not finished. Today my children are grown and married and we are officially empty nesters. Our parents are elderly and in need and we are the proud grandparents of one. This stage of life is different and brings with it many new joys and challenges.

I love how the Apostle Paul gives Jesus the description of being our wisdom. "It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God... 1 Corinthians 1:30a

So, my need for wisdom, my need for more of Jesus continues to grow as I face each new building
phase of life.

Blessings on your day,


  1. 1982 is a good year:) but when you said your home started to be built almost 30 years ago that made me sick...that means I am almost 30!!! Great post:)

  2. 1982 is a great year ~:-) Almost 30...it just can't be...say it isn't so.
