Monday, November 29, 2010

"A Nourishing Word"

Proverbs 10:21 "The lips of the righteous nourish many..."

This portion of verse 21 caught my heart....and the word nourish jumped off the page. One of the Greek meanings for "nourish" is: to be a friend, to be a special friend.

Last night I ran into a friend while shopping....what a pleasant surprise to turn and see her there. She is one of those friends that nourishes me....feeds my soul with God's Word, every time we talk.

Lord, I want to be like that too....that the words of my mouth would be used to nourish everyone I meet....

Blessings on your day,

Sunday, November 28, 2010

"Best Christmas Ever"

"For unto us a Child was born, unto us a Son is given.." Isaiah 9:6

After all these years of celebrating Christmas...there is one particular Christmas that stands out..above the rest. It was during the recession of 1991. My husband was in construction and times were very tough, a lot like today.

With our two youngest still at home...we had to let them know that this Christmas was going to be different than what they were use to. We sat them down and told them we didn't have any money to buy gifts. And we couldn't afford to buy a Christmas tree either. We had to use what little money we had to buy food....we were eating oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Rick and I weren't too worried about how our Joshua would handle it, he was barely four years old. But how would our twelve-year old Adam take it....since had has seen so many Christmas' with plenty of gifts.

This time of financial struggle provided an opportunity for us to talk to our kids about God's faithfulness and what really matters in life. Instead of focusing on buying and receiving gifts...our eyes were on being thankful for what God had already given us...Jesus being the greatest gift of all.

It still brings me to tears to think of Adam's reaction. he said, "It doesn't matter, I don't need any toys, I already have lots. Then he stood and ran up the stairs. A few minutes later he came down with his piggy bank and handed it to Rick and I and said, "Mom, I want you to use my money to help buy food."

It was't one of those glass piggy banks, so we didn't have to hit it with a hammer or drop it on the floor to "break the bank"....nothing that dramatic. But the impression that his generosity made on our family...that was dramatic.

This is a Christmas we will never forget...Jesus and thankfulness was our focus. You would think this would have been our worst Christmas...but it turned out to be the "Best Christmas Ever!"

Rich in Him,
Sharon Schutte

"What a View"

Proverbs 8:27 "I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep."

When Rick and I were in Australia for a Harvest Crusade, we had an opportunity to go on the space needle. We were up so high that we could actually see the curvature of the earth. What a view!

Talk about changing your I stood there in awe...I realized that my view of God is much too small. Isaiah 40:22a "It is God who sits above the circle of the earth...." Jeremiah 10:12a He hath made the earth by his power, he has established the world by His wisdom..."

How Incomparably Great our God is.....
I don't want that "View" of Him to end .
Psalm 119:161b "...
my heart standeth in awe of thy word."

Standing in Him,