Sunday, October 31, 2010

What's the Name of that Perfume Your Wearing?

Mark 14:3b "During supper, a woman came in with a beautiful jar of expensive perfume. She broke the seal and poured the perfume over Jesus' head."

While Jesus was having dinner at the home of Simon, a woman named Mary came in and broke the seal of her perfume bottle and poured it over his head. This wasn't some cheap bottle of perfume, it would be about a years worth of wages.

I wonder if they had names for their perfume then, like we do today? l think I would name this perfume "Destination Heaven". As I was thinking about this I had to laugh because I remembered the name of the perfume I wore before I got was called "Tabu"...and it was cheap. No...the name of the perfume we wear doesn't matter...I just apropos! I can laugh now because my life is no longer "Tabu" or "cheap"...because of what Jesus has done for me.

Mark 14:4,5 "Some of those at the table were indignant, displeased...saying it was a waste of money....She could have sold it and given the money to the poor."

With all the complaining around the might miss the beauty of what just happened here. The others didn't understand and neither did I at one time...but it's really a simple story about a woman who, in the presence of Jesus Christ, was so overwhelmed by the wonder of who He was and by the thought of all He had done in her life, that she wanted to serve Him in an extravagant way.

"....the house was filled with fragrance and Jesus said what Mary did
was in preparation of His burial." John 12:3b,7

So she took her alabaster jar of expensive perfume and broke it open. She poured it out until every drop was exhausted and the flask empty. John adds that she poured it not only on his head but on his feet as well. Though the others thought it was a foolish thing to do, Mary came to adore and worship her Savior for all He had done for her. Jesus had given her brother back to her from the dead. He had restored her Simon back to health. He had treated her with dignity and respect. And He had shared with her the secrets of the kingdom of God. And now, He was was about to give His life for her...So, she wanted to give Jesus something to let Him know how much she loved Him.

For this perfume to cost so must have had a "beautiful scent." But what really pleased the LORD was Mary's extravagant, loving heart....and that must have smelled "Heavenly."

2 Corinthians 2:14-16a "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing....."

Blessings on your day,