1 Peter 4:8a "Most important of all Continue to show deep love for each other"
I had to circle the word "continue"..which means "stretched out"...without ceasing. And I had to circle the word "show." That word indicates that it’s not enough to have love in our heart – We must SHOW love in our life!
1 Peter 4:8b "For love covers a mulititude of sins"
As I was looking up the word for "cover" I found something interesting. It means to "hinder the knowledge of"..we will have to make a choice to hinder the knowledge of what people have done or said to us that offends us. Putting into practice 2 Cor 2:15 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
This truth is so important that it is also taught in the Old Testament in Proverbs 10:12 (CEV) "Hatred stirs up trouble; love overlooks the wrongs others do."
Sometimes the very thing that makes loving others challenging to you and me.... is the fact that they have weaknesses. So the Bible says what you and I have to do is cover those sins - not in the sense of pretending that they don’t exist or condoning them, but as is seen in the context, you have to love others in spite of their faults and failures. You have to love them and not be judgmental, not turn your back on them just because they do or say stupid things or because they don’t always act the way you want them to....or the way the LORD wants them to.
This won't be a one-time thing...we will have to continue, not cease...."stretching" to do this....no saying...that's it....I'm done with you...no giving up....keeeeeeepppppp at it.
Sounds like Agape love...yep...I looked it up...Agape love...only comes from God. I/we can't do it without Him.
Father, only the Power of Your precence in my life can cause me to love like You. Help me to be earnest in my prayers for myself and for others...especially those who need their sins covered....those who deserve it the least...need it the most. You've given me Your Grace, Your Mercy, and most importantly...Your love..I want to be just like YOU! In Jesus name, Amen.
Blessings on your day!
So very true Sharon...a good word for today!! <3