Sunday, October 23, 2011


Acts 16:14,15  "...the LORD opened Lydia's heart, and she accepted what Paul was saying and was baptized...and she asked her guests.  ..."come and stay at my home."  And she urged us until we did."

Lydia, a new believer is already putting 3 John 1:8 into practice..."

We ought therefore to show hospitality" 

Practicing hospitality is modeled for us throughout the Old and New Testaments. Again and again, we see that the purpose was to serve others and to be a vehicle for God's grace.   

1 Peter 4:9 & 10  Practice hospitality ungrudgingly to one another.  As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:

I found it interesting that in the Webster's dictionary we find the definition for hospitality wedged between the word "hospice," which is a shelter and the word "hospital" which is a place of healing.  

As we open our homes, hearts and lives to others...we are given an opportunity to give to others...something that the LORD has given to us....whether it's a meal or words of encouragement.  Matthew 25:35...I was thirsty and you gave me a drink.  I was lonely and you made me welcome.   Hospitality is simply to say, I care, I love you, and I have prepared a place for you....

I had a friend years ago (she was in her 90's and with the LORD now)...she would never let me leave her home without first praying for me...she would say, "the LORD gave me this home to use for His glory...let's pray."  I loved that about her!

My desire would be that whenever someone was in my home that as they leave they would be able to say what we read in Luke 24:32 “Were not our hearts burning within us while he (she) talked with us on the road (in her house) and opened the Scriptures to us?”  

Father, would you use my home for Your purposes...make it a place of encouragement, a refuge, a sanctuary for others..a place of healing by the sharing of Your Words of hope.  And may I be like Lydia, who makes it clear that she isn't just saying the words, "come to my home" just to say them...she really meant it and wanted them to know that.  
In Jesus name, Amen.

love, Sharon


  1. Love this post.I pray the same prayer with you. thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Sharon, things have been getting very serious with Steve's Alzheimer's, so I haven't dropped by lately. But Your post on hospitality was so good, really showed the value God puts on our loving service to others!Hebrews 13:2

  3. Awesome encouragement that refreshes our focus and reminds us that all we have and everything that we are should be used for the glory of God. When we empty ourselves and allow our Lord's love to flow through us He is truly glorified.
