Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"Challenged by the Chariots"

Joshua 17:16  "They said, "...the Canaanites in the lowlands around Beth-shan and the valley of Jezreel have iron chariots--they are too strong for us."

God told his people that they would prevail over all their enemies in the land. Joshua 1:5  "No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life.  Just as I was with Moses,  so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you." Victory is assured because God has promised to be with them.  Yet, they were quick to find an excuse why they could not.  

In times like these, when we feel weak and are challenged by the chariots we see, we need to ask the LORD to renew our faith in his promises, especially those that require us to persevere.  

Blessings on your day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Sharon!! On target as usual! I've been reading in Joshua the last month and have been very challenged by it! In fact, one verse lit a fire under me on my 60th birthday: In Joshua 13:1 God said to Joshua, "You are old, advanced in years, and there remains very much land yet to be possessed." Can't wait to see what the Lord has in mind!
